Mercedes Benz Citaro 2, 2-door edition of the Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei Föhr/Amrum GmbH with full advertising for the "Pfannkuchenhaus im Prinzenhof" on the south beach in Wyk on Föhr.
Item No: Rietze 73474
plate: NF-WR-152
Destination Sign: 2 – Utersum über Nieblum / Rund Föhr
Car No 1919
Final Sale. Only 10 Items left!!!
This unique model bus was lovingly created and has numerous details. Destination signs, license plates and pictograms look just as amazing, as the full promotion of the "Pfannkuchenhaus" Prinzenhof auf Föhr.
The special model MQ-EXCLUSIV was released for you in two editions with different lines. We are proud to have received a few models of line 2.